Eating Disorders
Eating disorders, including Anorexia Nervosa, Bulimia Nervosa, and Binge Eating Disorder are receiving a great deal of attention in the media, in outpatient and inpatient treatment centers, and in research studies across the USA. Despite some progress in understanding the nature of these disorders and the treatments that might make a difference, the fact remains that eating disorders are difficult to treat, and recovery can take many years of treatment and many cycles of care. Eating disorders are, by definition, chronic, relapsing, treatment-resistant, and mysterious.
Research tell us that a collaborative, unified treatment team, in constant communication with one another, offers patients the best chance for a complete recovery. Patients in outpatient treatment need team members who will continue to support them during all the difficult stages of treatment, particularly when they lose their motivation to change, relapse, become depressed and frustrated, and want to give up. Keeping patients in treatment and sharing the belief that recovery is possible will inspire them to feel motivated again.
At the Miami Counseling & Resource Center, we have assembled under one roof the collaborative, unified treatment team that every patient needs; we provide expert diagnosis, a team approach to treatment, and a commitment to make every effort toward the recovery of each person we treat. Our comprehensive eating disorder treatment team consists of psychologists, counselors, psychiatrists and nutritionists offering individual, family and group therapies along with medication management and nutritional counseling. Please see below for more details regarding the various services we offer and eating disorder related difficulties we treat.